Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Season of Pumpkins and Changing Leaves

It's home sweet home for me!  Tour is finally over!  
News from our manager Tooth, is that we played 150 shows in 13 months!  HARD WORK!  I'm sure you could imagine how happy I feel to be back in Texas with my family.  Happiness is also hard at work, now that I am able to see my girlfriend after either weeks or months at a time length.  It's a really really really really really really really sweet treat!

One of the first activities that I took part in was going to the Dallas Arboretum with my sister Cynthia, girlfriend Jane, my Mother and my step-father Mickey.  It was a warm day that allowed for comfort while wearing a dress shirt.  At this time of year, the Dallas Arboretum has a pumpkin village that pours orange into everyone's eyes.  

Here are some photos hat were taken by, either, my sister or Jane.


Heavyweight State!  ...and in many ways.

There stands my mother on the right sporting a tremendously glorious smile.

There, in the Poetry Garden, I lean within the archway wall.

Even the roses are jealous of us.

From the Dallas Arboretum, I left realizing that pumpkins come in many shapes and sizes.  They are varied, yes.  The orange pumpkin that is portrayed on Halloween and Thanksgiving images, is not the only strain of pumpkin that exists.  I'm glad to know that now.  What are glad to know?


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